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Dr Natassia Rodrigo - Endocrinologist
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Dr Natassia Rodrigo is a clinical endocrinologist, with a particular focus in metabolic disease, particularly diabetes, obesity and insulin resistance and pregnancy related endocrinology. She has a strong belief in evidence based, patient centred care, working closely with individuals to achieve the best outcomes. She has appointments at the Northern Sydney Endocrine Centre and as a Staff Specialist in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Nepean Hospital, where she is the clinical lead for Endocrinology in Pregnancy. She is also a Visiting Medical Officer at Royal North Shore Hospital.

She is concurrently undertaking her PhD assessing metabolic health in pregnant women with a particular focus in diabetes in pregnancy, through the Kolling Institute and Royal North Shore Hospital. She was awarded the Young Investigator Award for the 2020 Australian Diabetes Congress, and is supported by scholarships through the University of Sydney. She maintains active participation at local and international meetings, with presentations centering on both her research and clinical activities, ensuring she is up to date with the latest in evidence based practice. She is a member of the Australian Diabetes Society, the Endocrine Society of Australia, ADIPS and SOMANZ.

She undertook graduate medical training at the University of Sydney, followed by physician training and advanced training in endocrinology at Westmead, Nepean and Royal North Shore Hospitals.

She is passionate about teaching, and is a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney and was recognised for her contribution with a clinical teaching award in 2018.

Specialty Endocrinologist
Degrees <ul><li>Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes</li> <li>Insulin Resistance and PCOS</li> <li>Weight Management</li> <li>Gestational Diabetes</li> <li>Endocrine Disorders of Pregnancy, including Diabetes and Thyroid Disorders</li> <li>Osteoporosis and Calcium Disorders</li> <li>Thyroid Disorders</li></ul>
Training <ul><li>BMedSci (University of Sydney)</li> <li>MBBS (Hons) (University of Sydney)</li> <li>FRACP</li></ul>
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