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Dr Sarah Glastras
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A/Prof Sarah Glastras is a Consultant Endocrinologist at the Northern Sydney Endocrine Centre and is appointed as a Staff Specialist at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney’s North Shore. She has completed her PhD at the University of Sydney in the area of diabetes and obesity with a particular focus on foetal programming; the effect of in utero exposure to metabolic abnormalities on the offspring’s risk of chronic disease.

She is involved in many clinical trials in diabetes and obesity management. She has received a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) postgraduate scholarship, NHMRC Early Career Fellowship, and numerous national and international grants and awards related to her research. She has a passion for researching and treating diabetes, obesity and preventing diabetes-related complications. She is abreast of new technologies available for patients with diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes.

She has a special interest in female endocrine health, pertaining to polycystic ovary syndrome, diabetes in pregnancy and weight management. Her background in psychology prior to medical studies provides her with particular insight into the psychosocial issues related to management of chronic illness. She is passionate about evidence-based medicine, holistic care and self-empowerment.

Learn more about A/Prof Sarah Glastras via The University of Sydney

Specialty Endocrinologist
Degrees <ul><li>Female Endocrine Health Pertaining to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome</li> <li>Diabetes in Pregnancy</li> <li>Weight Management</li></ul>
Training <ul><li>BSc Psych (Hons)</li><li> MBBS (Hons)</li><li> FRACP</li><li> PhD</li></ul>
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