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Dr Linda Wu is a clinical endocrinologist. She manages all general endocrinology and has a special interest in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and type 3c /other diabetes, Thyroid disease including thyroid cancer and autoimmune disease. She is currently undertaking a PhD via University of Sydney investigating a novel form of type 1 diabetes secondary to checkpoint inhibitor therapy. She is supported through scholarships from the University of Sydney and the Jerry Koutts Foundation. She completed her undergraduate medical training at the University of New South Wales followed by physician and advanced training at Royal North Shore Hospital and Westmead Hospital. Linda has a keen interest in teaching and quality improvement. She is an associate clinical lecturer with the University of Sydney and has received awards for contributions to teaching for junior doctors and medical students.

Specialty Endocrinologist
Degrees <ul><li>Thyroid Disease </li><li>Thyroid Nodules</li> <li>Thyroid Cancer</ul>
Training <ul><li>MBBS (Hons)</li> <li>FRACP</li></ul>
Work Days Monday Wednesday Saturday

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