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Dr Emma Scott - Endocrinologist North Shore (St Leonards)
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Dr Emma Scott is a clinical endocrinologist with a subspecialty in the management of Diabetes, and has a particular interest in the use of diabetes related technology. Emma has completed her PhD assessing the role of glycaemic variability in the development of diabetes related complications, and the role of insulin pump & CGM Technology in the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes. She has presented her work nationally and internationally, and believes in the importance of up-to-date evidence based medical care and involving her patients in their management decisions.

Emma has been awarded the Best Australian Diabetes Society Clinical Presentation Award for her PhD research, the University of Sydney Merit award, the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation Research Entry and JDRF Scholarships (which recognise her research interests in the field of diabetes). She has also presented at the International Thyroid Congress and published research on thyroid cancer. She is involved in ongoing research assessing new treatments for diabetes.

Emma has an interest in both Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, as well as general endocrinology including thyroid disorders and osteoporosis. She has a keen interest in teaching and is a Clinical Lecturer with the University of Sydney. Emma also has a clinical appointment (Staff Specialist) as an Endocrinologist at Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards. Emma is a member of the Australian Diabetes Society and the Endocrine Society of Australia.

Specialty Endocrinologist
Degrees <ul><li>Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes</li> <li>Diabetes Technology including Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and Insulin Pumps</li> <li>Endocrine Disorders in Pregnancy</li> <li>Weight Management</li> <li>Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome</li> <li>Thyroid Disorders</li></ul>
Training <ul><li>BSC (Adv) Hons</li> <li>MBBS Hons</li> <li>FRACP</li> <li>PhD (University of Sydney)</li></ul>
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