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Caroline Judge - Diabetes Educator North Shore
Registered Nurse and Credentialed Diabetes Educator
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Carolyn Judge is a Registered Nurse and Credentialed Diabetes Educator, with a particular focus on Type 1 Diabetes and technology. She is a member of the Australian Diabetes Educators Association ( ADEA). Carolyn’s goal is to educate people how to live well with their diabetes to achieve the best outcomes for her patients and their families. She believes “ it’s about taking control of your diabetes not letting it take control of you”

Carolyn studied Nursing at the University of Technology in Sydney. She graduated in 1993 and went back to complete her Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and Management in 1999. She has worked as a Clinical Nurse Consultant at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead for 21 years and continues to do so. She is experienced with both adult and paediatric diabetes. Carolyn started as a Private Practice Diabetes Educator in 2009. She is a certified insulin pump and Continuous glucose Monitor(CGM) trainer.

Specialty Registered Nurse and Credentialed Diabetes Educator
Degrees <ul><li>Type 1 Diabetes</li> <li>Insulin Pump Therapy</li> <li>Continuous Glucose Monitoring</li> <li>Pregnancy with Diabetes</li> <li>Type 2 Diabetes </li></ul>
Training <ul><li>RN , CNC , CDE</li> <li>Grad.Cert.Diabetes Education and Management.</li></ul>
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